7 years ago
Friday, October 2, 2009
Welcome to fall, ya' all!
For those of you who know me too well, I LOVE FALL and I LOVE HALLOWEEN! It is finally here and I am so excited. My girls have had there Halloween costumes picked out for quite a while now! I have just been lagging with the ordering of them.
This week I have been home with a sick Kaydi and had some time to look at these costumes and decided I could possibly pull off making them myself. AAAHHH!
Here are a couple pics of the starting of these awesome costumes??
This is scary...!!! This is the starting of Graycees!
Can you tell what they are going to be...If you do, HUSH! Costumes should always be a secret right...until the night of or the party or wherever you are going to go.
This is just a small note at the end of a happy post for a reason!
I have some dear friends who have lost close family members this past couple months in sudden and tragic deaths. It really makes you think about things and that the little things you get angry at your kids for or your husband for or just plain silly things that bug you are really not worth even the bad thought that runs through your head when they do it. Ya know why...they may not be with you tomorrow. The second it takes for you to put the lid back on that toothpaste, is it worth the argument you may have because of it. Its not. I'm not perfect and I'm really trying to EMBRACE that in my life. Im trying to take a deep breath and "choose my battles" as they say! I really don't know what I would do without my husband or children. Like I posted on facebook, Hug your family a little tighter tonight and tell them that you love them!
Be happy everyone. This is an awesome MONTH! Fall colors, costumes, pumpkin everything(thanks Heather for the pumpkin roll) decorating for Halloween, candy, parties, the steam coming off the water in my hottub at night... LOVE IT-ALL OF IT!!!! Keep you posted with the costumes. Wish me luck! Take your neighbor some pumpkin cookies!