19 years of pure Bliss!!! HAHAHA!! No! Not really!! Jason pretty much summed it up to me today in a text. He will probably kill me for blogging this but I had to have it written down so I could save it. He wrote "We have had ups and downs,good and bad,but I wouldnt trade it for nothing in the world. I can honestly say 19 years ago I married the best wife,mom and friend...TY for giving me everything I have as a family and more. I wish there was a word better than I love you because I would say it. Love you honey" What an awesome husband! That was the best gift he has every given me!! Here is a pic of us on one of our trips to Vegas(one of our favorite places to go together) Also of the roses he sent to work!! 19, you can count them!!!
Love you babe!!
7 years ago