Well, another bear hunting Memorial weekend has passed. Fun times,Fun times! I have to say before we get started on this post, we were missing the Drury Family. We were sad you were not able to come and join in on all the festivities. LOL!! It was not the same without you all!! Next year! This year there was not a lot of down time with the boys, but we did find some time to hit some homeruns...
And then there was Amy....
She blew the competition out of the water!!!
We had a creek (not crick) right by the campspot that the kids had a blast at. All the kids! They built a dam so there would be a little pool for them to play in. Good times building it.
And the girls just playing...

And T-bone, dead as a doornail after a bear ran across the road right in front of the truck. Yes, he was out all night chasing that dang thing! Jason had to pick him up(literally) that next morning. He was not moving from the spot he decided to lay down on.
Well, another Memorial Weekend full of fun memories (including the tick crawling on my back)
I'll leave you with some random photos.

Thanks Johnsons for a great time!!!