Yes, I admit it! We have many problems with the tooth fairy showing up in our household! Sometimes it will take so long the kids will eventually forget about it! Well the silver tooth of Kaydi's had recently fallen out and it had taken a few days for the tooth fairy to show up. Kaydi would tell me he (yes! HE!) had'nt shown up and I would say"Its probably because the silver tooth is heavier than a regular tooth and they have to have a special helper to help carry it." She seemed to be satisfied with that answer. So, I make sure to come home from work with some cash. The tooth fairy remembers to do it before she goes to work in the morning but does forget one minor pick up the bag, with the tooth in it, that she put on the table.Yup, thats what happens when the normal tooth fairy is working out of town. To continue the story, Jason gets home and Kaydi calls from her friends house. This is the conversation with her dad.
J-So, did the tooth fairy come?
K-No, but mom got the tooth
K-ya it was on the table this morning
J-(as he is looking at me with the look and holding the bag)
So, to interupt for a minute, I am repeating some not so nice language for a tooth fairy and trying to figure out what to say to Kaydi. So I tell Jason to say this...
J-Ya know, it was probably because it was SO heavy they had to leave it there until they could get a third person to help. I think they had to have come back because the tooth isnt in the bag.
They both jabber on for a few more minutes about it.
K- oh! ok! Let me talk to mom!
So, she seemed content with that answer. But I'm thinking she is just playing us for fools. She knows! She has got to know. Jason is convinced otherwise, though. When she gets home I have strict instructions to show her the empty bag to make sure she knows the tooth fairy came and picked it up. LOL!!!