Wow! What a year for the Thompson household. For me personally I have to say it has been a very,very tough, life changing, HUMBLING year. I really dont even know where to I wont. You will just have to trust that I dont care to revisit 2010 again,yet I will take from my experiences this past year and try to become a better wife,mother,friend, daughter,sister and hopefully in doing that I will become a better person. I don't want to say this is a resolution This is something I need to do for myself and the New Year just gives me an excuse to start working on it. I am turning 40 this year and I think its time to grow up...maybe... : o) No, really! I just think that life is passing me by and I need to take control before I completely lose control.
So there it writing. I cant go back now,right. Wish me luck!!
P.S. I am also going to try and be a better blogger. I really sucked this past year. I missed so many things. I know...I have said this before...but I am SAyIng it again. I have a couple blogs I read and one in particular. I really didn't know her personally, just through her husband(who I work with). I had been reading it for awhile and they she just went private and they were kind enough to let me "in" . I just have to say,She is one of the reasons for this post. Reading her blog just makes you want to be a better person and she makes me realize I cant stand idle anymore...I dont know if she will ever read this, but I cant get away without saying Thank you,Thank you. You need to know you are inspiring. In my humble opinion, that is what blogging is all about.
The End!!!
1 year ago