Monday, May 10, 2010

The diagnosis...

I have been debating on posting this. I am not a whoa is me kind of gal and really dont want people to feel sorry for me or feel they need to do things for me. If I'm going to stay true to the fact this is my "journal" (of sorts) I decided I needed to do it.
I have been pretty sick lately. It started a week or so before sprink break back in the first part of April. Many symptoms ie: swelling of the ankles (graphic pic to follow) cold chills,aches in every part of my body (literally) fever,shortness of breath. I felt like my hair hurt. I am not going to bore you with all the other details except to sum it up. Several dr visits(3 dif.drs.),blood tests, insta care visit, an emergency room visit,ct scan,ekg blah blah... Thanks to the ct scan, we finally got a diagnosis. It is called Sarcoidosis! I am going to give you the link if you are so inclined to take a peek at what it is! I have been out of work on disability for a while now. We (the dr and me) are hoping to get it under control  before June 3rd so I can go back to work and pay my mortgage.HAHA!
Anyway, this has been a pretty humbling experience for me. I have had an amazing bunch of people coming in and bringing me dinner and treats and making sure I dont need anything. Calling me, texting me, just making sure I am ok. I have to say that I really have taken the "good health" I had for granted. You dont  realize it till you are truly sick for weeks on end and have to scoot down the stairs to do your laundry or your husband or kids cant even hug you because you ache so bad. My kids have been great. Graycee is so sweet with me and making sure I am feeling ok. Jason has been amazing when he has been home on the weekends and has been doing more than his fair share of "stuff". He has been very patient with me.
Well, thank you all for your patience in my writing this down for journal sake. This one picture is pretty graphic so if you want to turn away you can...I just wanted to show you this because it is kind of funny looking.