Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Ok folks! I realize it is only November 1st but I just purchased my first Christmas album. I really try to limit myself to one a season but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that this year. I know you guys are laughing but I do have a daughter that is in love with this boy. I have been to his concert and really... he is pretty darn good. So of course I'm going to have to get this one. I could say its for Graycee but I think I was probably more excited than she was. Did I just say that??? Its pretty good I must say. Already listened to it a couple times. Yes I know its only 805 in the am and it came out at midnight. We did only purchase it around 630 ish if that makes you feel any better. Honey, I know you are reading this and shaking your head. I had to do it and I promise you wont hear it till after Thanksgiving.